Exporting Product Lists with Collections to Excel or CSV using Mixtable

Mixtable offers a seamless way to export your product data, including the collections they belong to, into Excel or CSV formats. By mapping the “Manual Collections” column onto a Products - Basic Data worksheet, you can effectively organize and export this data.

Before you begin, ensure that you have:

  • A Mixtable account.
  • A configured workbook with your Shopify data synced.

Step 1: Accessing Your Products - Basic Data Worksheet

  1. Open your Mixtable Workbook.
  2. Navigate to the ‘Products - Basic Data’ worksheet. This sheet contains your product data.

If you do not have a Products - Basic Data sheet you can simply add one by clicking the [+] button in the worksheet bar and then select the Products only option.

Access Shopify Products in Mixtable spreadsheet bulk editor

Step 2: Mapping the Manual Collections Column

  • Navigate to a unmapped column that is not marked to sync data with Shopify and right click
  • From the dropdown, select Shopify Sync settings
  • Now you need to click the Product’s Manual Collections radio button and Save.

Step 3: Viewing Collections Data

  • Once mapped, the Manual Collections column will display the collections each product belongs to.
  • Review the data to ensure that it correctly reflects the collections for each product.

Step 4: Exporting to Excel or CSV

  • Go to the header of the worksheet and click on the Export button
  • Select your preferred format
  • The file will be in your Downloads folder

Export Shopify products and collections into Excel or CSV format

Step 5: Verifying the Export

Keep in mind that we you are exporting the information to a CSV file only one sheet will be export and when you are exporting to Excel the whole workbook will be exported.

  • Open the exported file in your preferred spreadsheet program.
  • Verify that the data, including the collections information, is accurately represented.
Mixtable is an online spreadsheet, designed from the ground up to bulk edit and analyze Shopify data.

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