The basics of using Mixtable

At its core Mixtable operates within Shopify data exactly like Excel would. Same formulas, same worksheet behavior, etc - you’ll feel very much at home.

So here we won’t discuss spreadsheet features you are very much familiar with, but instead we’ll cover some of the spreadsheet features that are unique to Mixtable and its Shopify functionality.


In Mixtable workbooks exist as part of workspaces. At any point, when in Mixtable, you are always in one workspace or another. Workspaces have an owner, and other users can be given access to the workbooks within a workspace.

When you are on your dashboard, the name of the workspace you are in is displayed on the top left.

Managing Shopify data with Mixtable workspaces


Cells in Mixtable behave just like Excel cells do.

  • When you change a cell that change is saved automatically (similar to how Google Sheets operates).
  • If you make a change and reload your workbook you’ll notice that the cell change is still there.

Highlighted Cells

What you will also notice when you change a cell is that it becomes highlighted. This is because cells keep track of whether they have been changed, to help you identify more easily such cells in your workbook.

Sync Sheet to Shopify

When you are done editing, and want to “confirm” your changes, click on the Sync sheet to Shopify button in the top right of the workbook screen.

  • When you are working within a “basic” worksheet clicking on Sync sheet to Shopify removes the highlight of those cells that were changed.
  • If the changes made are in a worksheet that is linked to sync to another system, e.g., Shopify, then the moment you click Sync sheet to Shopify, Mixtable will attempt to sync your changes up to the source system.

Mixtable cells are highlighted before being synced with Shopify

Mixtable is an online spreadsheet, designed from the ground up to bulk edit and analyze Shopify data.

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